Olympic Pistol shooting primer
I have found this website to have some very good information, especially the basic pointers to get you started : http://www.tenrings.co.uk/4598.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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I’m going off to go find myself. If I’m not back by the time I return, keep me here.
Re: Olympic Pistol shooting primer
Hi Graham,Tank wrote:I have found this website to have some very good information, especially the basic pointers to get you started : http://www.tenrings.co.uk/4598.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Thanks for posting the very interesting link. Although I don't do as much serious precision shooting now that I'm getting on a bit, the the theory and techniques remain the same when attempting to shoot any pistol accurately.
Re: Olympic Pistol shooting primer
Yes Brian, I certainly found it very informative. Many of the things on there I had been taught in the distant past though my memory being what it is nowadays I consider myself fortunate that I find my way home at night, unaided!
John Marchant is the chap behind it and he is well known in the shooting fraternity. I suppose that really it is one thing to shoot well and quite another to teach somebody how to shoot well. Quite different things.
John Marchant is the chap behind it and he is well known in the shooting fraternity. I suppose that really it is one thing to shoot well and quite another to teach somebody how to shoot well. Quite different things.
I’m going off to go find myself. If I’m not back by the time I return, keep me here.
I’m going off to go find myself. If I’m not back by the time I return, keep me here.
Re: Olympic Pistol shooting primer